The Story Of American Roulette

In the world of roulette, there are two types of wheel that one can play on; the American version, and the European version. There is a small, but crucial difference that separates the two; the number of zero pockets. The European version has only a single zero pocket, while the American version has two zero pockets.

The majority of online casinos will offer both type of roulette wheel, but a smart gambler will know that it is always beneficial to the player to place bets on a roulette wheel that has only a single zero pocket. But how did it come about that there are two distinct types of roulette wheel? Let’s have a quick look at how the American roulette wheel came into being.

Early Roulette Wheels

It is fairly commonly known that the roulette wheel was a failed experiment by a Frenchman named Blaise Pascal in the 18th century. Pascal was in fact trying to create a perpetual motion machine, which is an all but impossible task, and in failing to do so, unintentionally created what became the roulette wheel. The game became extremely popular very quickly, and was soon adopted into casinos as a game of chance.

The wheel originally had the two zero pockets, which represented the house edge, or percentage by which the house was likely to always win. These zero pockets were necessary, given that casinos require a guaranteed income in order to stay in business. The first single zero pocket roulette wheel was seen in 1843, in the Bad Hamburg, where one zero pocket was removed as a way to draw customers, granting them a better chance of winning. This did not catch on, however, at least not yet.

Roulette In American

Meanwhile, roulette had made its way to the United States, first in New Orleans, and gradually up the Mississippi River to various other locations. In the United States the double zero version of the game became the dominant version, with the majority of casinos offering only this form of roulette.

The betting table was simplified, however, in order to make the game easier to understand. The simplified betting table would eventually be accepted throughout the world. Either way, the single zero version gradually became seen as obsolete in the United States.

Monte Carlo Influence

It was in the 1860s, in Monte Carlo, that the single zero roulette wheel became the standard in Europe. This was because Monte Carlo became seen as the gambling centre of Europe, with many rich and influential world celebrities travelling there for the sole purpose of playing single zero roulette. All other European casinos followed suite, and the single zero roulette wheel was cemented in European culture.

Modern Online Roulette

Today, however, as already said, the majority of online establishments such as River Belle casino will offer both the single and double zero roulette wheel, with the names American and European. It is a matter of choice, but the European wheel is still the smart choice, given the lower house edge.