Barton: U.S. Federal Online Poker Legislation Not Far Away

From Poker News – Congressman Joe Barton (R-Tex.) said Tuesday that he believes once more populous states get involved in Internet poker, it will lead to legislation at the federal level within the next few years. Participating in a conference call hosted by the Poker Players Alliance, Barton, who introduced the Internet Poker Freedom Act of 2013 last week, indicated that he didn’t believe there will ever be a point where enough states pursue regulation to make a federal bill unnecessary. Instead, he sees the spreading of online poker on a state-by-state basis igniting more and more people to join…

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Legality of Poker Still Ambiguous in US

On Friday, April 15, 2011, the American Government shut down online poker sites over the ambiguity of the legality of poker. They branded its operators criminals. But is this still the case? The answer to the above question is yes and no. One of the main problems with passing new laws is that they often have unintended consequences. The clearest example of that is the Volstead Act of 1919. The ostensible purpose of this – Prohibition – was to save Americans from the demon drink; in practice, it created an era of lawlessness. The current drug prohibition laws – worldwide…