Betting Operators and Super Bowl Ad Space

As sports betting operators gear up for the fiercest marketing battle during this year’s Super Bowl, going as far to sell out FOX’s ad capacity well in advance of the event, Charles R. Taylor, professor of marketing at the Villanova University School of Business, is available to discuss breaking news about advertisers ahead of game day. He has some predictions about what we may see on Super Sunday. First, while a few advertisers may attempt to stand out with brand activism messages, we will see less emphasis on controversial social messages than in other recent Super Bowls. With a 30…

Betting Operators Team Up for Problem Gambling

A few weeks ago we devoted an entire show to how betting operators in America were pushing the envelope of advertising their sports betting apps. We argued that the situation was rapidly escalating, and that it had the potential to follow the same path as what’s currently happening the United Kingdom. Right now, the UK is facing monumental changes to their gambling industry regulation, and it all stems from a public push back against the betting operators there. Industry opponents took full advantage of the situation by pushing the threat of gambling addiction to the forefront, even though the problem…