California Online Poker Has A 50-50 Chance This Year

From Card Player California has long been home to online poker legalization attempts, but nothing there has ever amounted to much. It has been tough to get a consensus among the tribes and other gaming interests in the state, but this year looks the most promising to date, according to one lobbyist working on the issue. David Quintana, a lobbyist for several of the tribes pushing a new piece of legislation, said that the odds are about 50-50 of something passing. There are a couple of other proposals sitting in the legislature that have hope as well. Quintana said that…

California Online Poker Tribal Settlements

The race for more online poker legislation on American soil has become one of, hurry up and wait, for states that haven’t already jumped on the bandwagon. The recent launch of the real money internet poker business in Nevada and New Jersey’s passing of its own internet rules and regulations with Delaware is also fast approaching a launch. There are ten other states pondering the inclusion of online poker in their agendas so it’s no wonder California is finally settling one of its biggest issues. Californian poker players have been attempting to resolve the opposition they received from Indian tribes…