If the EU States were Casino Games, Who Would be Blackjack?

Blackjack Champ – If some of the EU member states were casino games, who’d get to be blackjack and who’d be a slot machine? Gambling is enjoyed for the most part throughout the entire EU, with only minor restrictions applying in certain member states. Recently, there has been the suggestion that new legislation and regulations could come into place in the very near future, which will provide a ‘blanket’ set of rules on the matter for all countries. This would be beneficial to providers of internet and mobile casinos, which have been subjected to the most restrictions; such as not…

9 Casino Games Too Ridiculous To Believe

From Gizmodo Casinos are awesome, especially once you accept the fact that the house always wins. And if you’re going to give away your money regardless, you might as well do it at one of these incredibly, wonderfully weird games. FULL STORY