NHL and DraftKings form Sports Betting & Fantasy Partnership

A new partnership for sports betting, fantasy sports and online gambling has been forges between the NHL and DraftKings. As part of the agreement, DraftKings will be the official sports betting, fantasy sports, and online gambling partner of the hockey league. This deal will give DraftKings the ability to use the NHL logo for promotions during hockey season, as well as the playoffs and finals. Additionally, there will be opportunities for DraftKings to work with the leagues digital media platform. The Chairman of DraftKings stated they “…look forward to collaborating with the NHL… to provide hockey fans with what’s next…

DraftKings betting shop

DraftKings New York Sports Betting Deal

DraftKings New York Sports Betting Deal Ahead is of the Rush New York sports betting has not been passed yet, but companies are already jockeying for position. The latest is daily fantasy sports giant DraftKings Inc. As part of its expansion into traditional sports wagering, the company says it has agreed to operate the sports book at Del Lago Resort & Casino in Waterloo, New York. The agreement also allows DraftKings to a launch state-wide online and mobile app once the laws allow. Sports gambling is expected to be a second act of sorts for daily fantasy companies DraftKings and…