New Developments in Italy’s Ban on Gambling Ads

Poker News – On Thursday, Italy’s Houses of Representatives approved a bill which will modify the current rules applied to gambling ads. Yet despite what media outlets reported earlier this month, Italy is not going to apply a ban on TV and radio gambling advertising. The new law will not introduce a full ban, instead only adding some new limitations to gambling TV and radio ads. Furthermore, the new rules are not going to become immediately effective as the text approved only states guidelines for future gambling regulation to be translated into norms during 2014 by Italy’s government. Speaking on…

VIDEO: Gambling ads as bad as tobacco ads?

From Australian Broadcasting Corporation WATCH VIDEO HERE Australians no longer accept tobacco advertising in any shape or form, now public health advocates say gambling ads should also be banned because of the harm they cause. The Federal Government has proposed a total ban on live odds during play and limited bans on general gambling ads during matches to reduce the intensity of betting company marketing. But just as tobacco companies were once accused of targeting teenagers to get them addicted to their product, Australian researchers believe gambling firms are just as voraciously targeting young people today. FULL STORY

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Australian Gambling Ads Ban

Speaking about the gambling ads ban, Premier Jay Weatherill says betting adverts will be allowed during sporting broadcasts and new regulations will only ban enticements to gamble on games that are already underway. Mr Weatherill this morning moved to clarify earlier comments where he indicated all gambling advertising would be banned from siren to siren during broadcasts. In an early morning interview on ABC Radio, Mr Weatherill was asked if he was “banning all betting advertising during sports” and answered: “Once the game’s started, yes”. Asked if betting advertisements that didn’t mention live odds would be banned, Mr Weatherill said…