Tribe sues IRS over back taxes

Miami Herald – On the hook for $170 million in income taxes and related bills, the Miccosukee Tribe of Indians is suing rather than settling with the Internal Revenue Service over the tribe’s failure to report and withhold income from its gambling distributions to members. But what makes the federal lawsuit filed in Miami so distinctive is that the tribe has mounted the counteroffensive not only against its longtime nemesis, the IRS, but also against Attorney General Eric Holder and the secretaries of the Treasury and Interior departments. The crux of the suit: The contention that in 2005, the IRS…

Gambling Tips From The IRS? You Bet!

From Forbes – Do you enjoy rolling the dice, playing cards or betting on the ponies? However you gamble, one thing is clear: gambling winnings are always taxable income in the eyes of the IRS. You might think that’s all the IRS says about gambling. But actually, the IRS offers some tax tips for casual gamblers. 1. Winnings Are Income. Gambling income includes winnings from lotteries, raffles, horse races and casinos. Obviously, cash winnings are taxable. You must report all your gambling winnings as income on your tax return regardless of whether you receive an IRS Form W-2G. 2. Winnings In Kind. But even if you don’t win cash,…