Kick of Destiny Returns for Super Bowl LVIII

It’s almost time for the Super Bowl, and that will mean the return of the Kick of Destiny! Sure, it will be an amazing game, but watching Rob Gronkowski try to kick a ball is worth tuning in for all by itself! And now, FanDuel has announced that the four-time Super Bowl Champ will be at Super Bowl LVIII again this year for the sequel to last year’s ‘Kick of Destiny’. FanDuel’s ‘Kick of Destiny 2’ will see Gronkowski make his way to Las Vegas where he will attempt to successfully make a field goal in a live ad spot…

Sports Betting and the Super Bowl

This week’s were talking about sports betting news with the Super Bowl just two weeks away. Our gambling news focuses on sports betting advertising and marketing, and the growing concerns that bonuses, free bets, and credit card use will lead to more gambling addiction. Hello friends, and welcome to This Week in Gambling. our last show before I take a week off and head to London for the International Casino Expo! So, this show had better be good! While I’m away, the Super Bowl will play! And FanDuel has seized this opportunity to put their name right in the middle…