Mississippi sports betting

Mississippi Sports Betting Stumbles

Mississippi sports betting won’t roll out on schedule. When the state’s month-long waiting period on the newly legal form of gambling expires, Mississippi’s casinos won’t be ready, the gaming commissioner told Reuters in a recent interview. The Gardenia State’s casinos that have applied to offer sports bets are still carving out space in their businesses to build sports bars and working to meet other state requirements before they can be approved, Commissioner Allen Godfrey said. “Right now, the ones wanting to get started are still in the renovation phase,” he said, noting it will likely be another two weeks before…

Mississippi leads nation in gambling corruption

From AL.com Two economists studied federal corruption conviction rates in states before and after they legalized casino gambling between the years 1985 to 2000. Mississippi tops the list. According to The Pew Research Center, economists Douglas M. Walker and Peter T. Calcagno analyzed the average number of corruption convictions for every 10,000 state employees. The result was four out of the five states with the highest annual rates of public corruption were casino states. Per the report: Mississippi led the list with almost four public corruption convictions a year per 10,000 state employees followed by Louisiana, Illinois and South Dakota. At…