Nevada “Black Book’ for Online Poker Cheating

New legislation has been introduced in Nevada to combat online poker cheating. The legislation aims to establish a “Black Book” for players to track those who have been caught cheating. The Nevada Gaming Commission would be responsible for compiling and managing the list, which would include the names of individuals with interactive gaming accounts who have been suspended or banned for cheating. The bill has been referred to the Assembly Judiciary Committee, and if passed, banned players added to the online poker cheating list would have the right to appeal and challenge their inclusion. The bill’s proponents, including professional poker…

Plans to Prevent Online Poker Cheating

Recently, our friends at Poker News did a nice write up about online poker cheating which was gleaned from a podcast on PokerFuse. That special edition podcast welcomed the Director of Online Poker Experience from PokerStars, Chris Straghalis. Their discussion covered several things, starting with the integrity of the game. Mr. Straghalis took time to detail the ways that PokerStars approaches the matter, and also detailed what their players could expect from online poker tournaments on their site in the future. Real-Time Assistance, or what players call RTA by players for short, is not a new thing for PokerStars to…