Accused Poker Cheat Mike Postle Dodging the Law?

Mike Postle, the man accused of cheating his way through the Stones Live poker podcasts, now seems to be avoiding formal legal service in the lawsuit brought against him by nearly 100 defendants. The case accuses Mr. Postle of cheating during dozens of cash-game podcasts aired over the past two years. On January 5, 2020, plaintiffs’ counsel Maurice “Mac” B. Verstandig filed an affidavit of service declaring “summons returned executed”. This was accompanied by a sworn supplement describing the circumstances under which numerous attempts at serving the summons had been stymied. During late December 2019, Verstandig’s firm had retained a…

Cheaters use infrared contacts, win over 90,000 euros at poker

The Verge – This tale of poker cheats has all the signs of a Hollywood movie: high-tech contact lenses, marked playing cards, corrupt casino employees, and the French Riviera. Back in 2011, an Italian man codenamed “Parmesan” racked up 70,000 euros in one day of poker winnings followed up by 21,000 more in another visit, according to The Telegraph. He and his accomplices — which included two casino employees — found a way to mark the cards with invisible ink. Parmesan, a 56-year-old man whose real name is Stefano Ampollini, then used infrared contact lenses purchased online for 2,000 euros…