NFL Sports Betting

Super Bowl Betting & Sports Betting Growth

This year’s Super Bowl betting was record setting, and so was the number of people watching the game! And now, even more states are considering the regulation of betting on sporting events! So where do we go from here? The the Super Bowl is over, which means no more football in America for a while… which is a bummer. But on the bright side, more and more states are regulating sports betting, and we’re going to see a lot less of Taylor Swift! This year’s big game garnered over 123 million viewers making it the most watched Super Bowl ever!…

Sports Betting Expansion Slowing

Sports betting expansion may be slowing down, after rushing to more than 30 states. Brett Koenig can take out his smartphone and access a sports betting app from his suburban St. Louis house. However, he is unable to wager. A pop-up alert stating he is not in a legitimate place blocks him. Missouri is among the twelve states where sports betting is still prohibited, even after the U.S. Supreme Court granted states permission to allow it to happen more than five years ago. Since 2018, more than $280 billion in sports wagers have generated over $4 billion in taxes for…

Disney Sports Betting Expansion Reeks of Hypocrisy

It wasn’t too long ago that Disney fought sports betting expansion in Florida with millions of dollars in negative ad campaigns. However, now that they have clearly lost that battle, the company is considering an “aggressive” approach to gambling via ESPN. Disney Corporation purchased ESPN back in 1996, back when no one would have ever thought legal and regulated betting on sports would have been possible. But what a difference 20 years can make! Now their CEO, Bob Chapek, has admitted the company is pushing forward in the midst of American sports betting expansion. The goal is to partner with…