Maryland Passes Bill to Fine Underage Casino Gamblers

Legal US Poker Sites – The Baltimore Sun reports that Maryland state legislators passed a bill on April 4 which would fine gamblers under 21 caught playing in a land-based casino. For the bill to become official, the bill will have to be signed by Governor Martin O’Malley. The bill is endorsed by Maryland casino operators, due to the deterrent factor provided by the fines and penalties for those who break the law. Prior to the bill’s passage, underage gamblers had no discouragement besides being thrown out of the casino, while the casino itself faced its own stiff fines. The…

Maryland Looks To Impose Fines On Underage Gamblers

Card Player – Maryland is looking at imposing penalties for those caught gambling while underage at casinos in the state. Under the proposed law change, a first offense would be a fine up to $100, a second would be $500 and a third $1,000. The third would also force those underage to participate in gambling addiction treatment. According to the Maryland State Lottery and Gaming Control Agency, there were 47 violations for underage gambling in state casinos during calendar 2013, resulting in fines totaling $30,000 for the casinos. A pair of bills are in the legislature at the moment. They…