Vegas Super Bowl Betting Breaks Record

Yea, you heard us. The Vegas Super Bowl betting shattered the all-time sports betting record. We know, we know… big surprise that the gambling capital of America took in more on this game than any other. Over $185 million, according to the Nevada Gaming Control Board, far surpassing the previous state record of $179 million. Nevada’s 182 sportsbooks raked in a $6.8 million victory during the game, securing a 3.7 percent hold, which stands as the fourth-lowest win percentage in the past decade. According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, the Chiefs garnered heavy support from the betting public, resulting in…

Super Bowl streaker

Caesars Sportsbook Super Bowl Prop Bets

Caesars Sportsbook has released its Super Bowl prop bet menu for the matchup between the San Francisco 49ers and the Kansas City Chiefs in Las Vegas. From the coin toss to the final play, sports fans can experience Super Bowl LVIII like never before with Caesars Sportsbook  via thousands of game markets, prop bets, same-game parlays, in-game and play-by-play betting, and the highly popular Caesars Squares. The all-new FireBets experience brings added excitement for sports fans by highlighting the most impactful moments during Super Bowl LVIII. “Our unmatched betting menu and groundbreaking way to watch and bet coincides with the…

NFL Player Policy on Super Bowl Betting

We’re rapidly approaching one of the biggest sporting events on the planet, and Super Bowl betting is already taking place. It’s not just happening in Las Vegas, either. All across America there are people in nearly 40 states placing wagers. However, if you’re playing in the big game, you best not be one of them. The National Football League is implementing stricter gambling policies dealing with Super Bowl betting. And in fairness, the new rules will only apply to players and coaches on the two teams playing in the game. Those new rules state that all players on one of…

More Arizona Sports Betting Licenses

The Department of Gaming is pleased to announce that it will begin accepting applications for Arizona sports betting licenses in February. Pursuant to the aws and regulations, the ADG will accept applications for one event wagering license reserved for Arizona Tribes and no less than one event wagering license reserved for Arizona Sports Franchises. This is the second round of Arizona sports betting licenses and applications, as the activity officially launched in the state back in September of 2021. Prospective applicants are encouraged to review the provided materials on ADG’s website carefully. It is their responsibility to understand the application…

Kick of Destiny Returns for Super Bowl LVIII

It’s almost time for the Super Bowl, and that will mean the return of the Kick of Destiny! Sure, it will be an amazing game, but watching Rob Gronkowski try to kick a ball is worth tuning in for all by itself! And now, FanDuel has announced that the four-time Super Bowl Champ will be at Super Bowl LVIII again this year for the sequel to last year’s ‘Kick of Destiny’. FanDuel’s ‘Kick of Destiny 2’ will see Gronkowski make his way to Las Vegas where he will attempt to successfully make a field goal in a live ad spot…

Sports Bets in Florida Now Live State Wide

After a lengthy delay and legal battles, sports bets in Florida are now live all across the state. The Hard Rock  mobile betting app will be available for download and use, and wagers on sporting events will also be taken at three land based casinos. The launch comes with just a few weeks left in the American football season. However, state residents do have some great match-ups with NFL teams from Florida in action through the month of December. Time is of the essence though, as further legal challenges are possible and may impact future betting. The Seminole Tribe has…