French gambling company PMU mocks Kennedy assassination

PMUNY Daily News – A French betting company pokes fun of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in a shocking ad for its product.

In a 30-second clip for PMU, a cheering crowd awaits a presidential motorcade, but their delight is turned to terror as shots ring out and a brunette passenger, dressed in the same pink pillbox hat First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy wore that fateful day in 1963, frantically tries to escape the open limousine.

With a loose tie-in to the actual product, the plot revolves around one Dallas police officer who bets another that he could spin his gun around his finger three times, “like a cowboy.”

The hopeless cop tries his hand at the trick but ends up firing the weapon in the process.

The bullet ricochets off a staircase, hits a mailbox and knocks a woman’s ice cream scoop of her cone before it ends up in the vicinity of the limousine — sending the Jackie look-a-like fleeing.

“It wasn’t down here,” the officers say, pointing upward to suggest another shooter.

The ad closes with “You like to bet?” written across the screen, as sirens are heard blazing in the background.

The creative was produced by Publicis Conseil Paris and released online this week.