I’m On A Boat….Making Bets

gambling general casinoPress Release – Don’t be surprised if you haven’t heard much about Macau; it isn’t a place that gets very much publicity, but in the world of gambling, it is an extremely important destination. In fact, most of Macau’s economy is based on gambling, and people that travel there to gamble. However, another place in China has been getting in on that income stream and it is becoming dangerous to Macau’s existence.

Many players looking to go to Macau to gamble are put off by pricey hotels and other expenses, but there are companies in Hong Kong that are out to tap that market by offering casino boats, which is exactly what it sounds like. You can book overnight trips where you float and bet all night long, which is what a lot of players want to do. They don’t care about meals and other types of entertainment; it is all about the ability to gamble for as long as you want, whenever you want. It is a lot more affordable to go on one of these excursions than to book a hotel in Macau for even a night. It is very difficult to bet in China as Macau is the only place where it is actually legal, but because the casino boats sail in international waters, they’re free of the restrictions they would usually face from the Chinese government.

This is hurting the tourism industry in Macau, obviously, and casinos/hotels are suffering as a result. Operators there are going to have to come up with some solutions or else they will lose even more business to the casino boats as more companies pop up to get in on the action. It’ll be interesting to see where this goes in the future, and if this idea will come over to North America.