Macau Casino Workers to be Featured in Short Film

Macau casino workers are to be a centerpiece in a microfilm that features their real working conditions and status, according to the Macau Gaming Industry Laborers Association (MGILA).

They have teamed up with local producer, Free Dream Production Studio, to make the film. “Although gaming is the leading industry in Macau, affected by the traditional views and inadequate understanding towards casino workers, both local residents and tourists associate the gaming sector with pornography and narcotics to some degree.

They even label gaming-related work as an improper occupation, which hinders the casino workers’ self-esteem and mental health,” stressed the organizer yesterday in a press conference.

Through the microfilm, the MGILA expects to promote a positive image and the professional values of casino workers in society; thereby arousing recognition, support and awareness of casino workers, as well as to lift their self-esteem and encourage them to make suitable career development and life planning choices.

Macau Daily Times